
Free Solutions2Share Webinar

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What is new in Teams Manager, External User Manager and Co.

This webinar is designed to show what is new in Teams Manager, External User Manager and Co. 

You will explore effective strategies to simplify team setup, management, and governance, ensuring that their use of digital collaboration tools is both efficient and compliant.

40,000+ companies already trust us

You're struggling with these issues in Teams ...

There are too many teams and channels, your employees can't find anything and are frustrated.

You spend too much time fighting against uncontrolled growth in Microsoft Teams.

The productivity drain is getting worse.

You can't find important content and files because they are scattered throughout your Microsoft Teams.

But you actually want to ...

... have happy employees working in a structured clean Microsoft Teams environment.

... implement governance quickly and efficiently, so you have more time for what's important.

... ensure productivity.

... have your content and files stored properly so that you always know where they are.

Hello, I'm Florian, your Governance Expert!

Chief Commerical Officer Florian Pflanz

Florian has more than 6 years of experience in M365 and numerous projects concerning M365 governance. In over 200 governance workshops over the last 3 years, he has collected extensive knowledge and best practices regarding Microsoft Teams and companies’ management requirements.

Hi, I'm Eva, your Customer Success Manager!

Customer Success Manager Eva Grandtner

Eva helps our customers with onboarding Teams Manager and External User Manager. She also works continuously with customers to ensure they are satisfied with our products and receive the support they need.

Let the Governance Market Leader show you how to enhance Collaboration in Microsoft Teams!

10 years



Governance Apps in Teams Store


Governance Workshops


Companies that trust us

Get up-to-date with this free webinar

Simplify Team Setup, Management, and Governance with us

Master Microsoft Teams Challenges

Learn Governance Skills

Develop a long-term Strategy

Copyright 2024 © Solutions2Share GmbH

Join this Governance Webinar for free!

Governance Expert & CEO
at Solutions2Share GmbH

No more uncontrolled growth in teams! Join the free webinar and I'll show you how!

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